Auchterarder Blue Door Foodbank
Helping those in a time of need
Welcome to the Blue Door Foodbank to the right of Auchterarder Parish Church
"Our vision is of a country without the need for emergency food aid and in which good food is accessible to all"
Independent Food Aid Network.
We are an independent community foodbank ready to help those in need. An area has been adapted in Auchterarder Parish Church, we run as a Separate entity involving many of Auchterarders community and charity groups.
Tuesday and Friday 10.00 – 2.00
There is a referral process in place to ensure you get the support you need, and a list of referrers is available further down this page. Should you need further help, please contact us on 01764 660965 or email on Or you can pop in for advice, while we are open.
Location: You can find us down the path to the right- hand side of the Church. Look for the Blue Door notices displayed on the buildings and the entrance. NB: We are currently keeping within the Scottish Government and Church of Scotland COVID-19 Guidelines so please wear a face mask and sanitise your hands on entrance and exit.
Financial Contribution
Financial donations are welcomed, as these will enable us to continue supporting the community in this and other ways. These can be given in a variety of ways: cash, cheques, Direct Debits or via the BACS system
Further information can be obtained directly from the Blue Door itself, by email on: or by telephone on: 01764 660965
Our list of referrers
If you need help please don't be afraid to reach out
St Margaret’s Health Center
T: 01764 662275
Hillcrest Housing Association
T: 0300 123 2640
E: hillcresthomes/
PKC Welfare rights Team
Community link worker
Morven Campbell
T: 07825 680837
NHS Tayside children, young adult and family services
T: 01764 662542
Local Community Councillors
Aberuthven email